

Suicide can be defined as an extremely stressful response to a situation that is thought to be out of control and has no solution. WHO (World Health Organization) considers suicide a serious public health issue that leads to more than 700,000 deaths every year globally. This is an approximate data of the reported incidents; hence, unreported cases should be taken into consideration while discussing about this issue. There is also a group of people who attempted suicide in past; however, failed to conclude or complete it. This information suggests that there are people who are extremely stressed and hopeless about their life issues; find themselves unable to come out of the problematic situations, and take this big step to end their problems by ending their lives. On the other hand, there are people who are aware of their weak moments, situations that trigger suicidal thoughts, they take a pause in such overwhelming situations, process their emotions and seek professional help, which means that there is help available, and the condition is preventable.

There are many help lines working for this cause and available for emotional support in times of need. People working in the field of mental health have managed to identify the risk factors and take preventive actions; however, a common person can also contribute to this cause by being observant and vigilant to the signs and symptoms that may lead to a suicidal attempt such as:

  • Searching and looking for options/things to commit suicide.
  • Buying things that can be used to commit suicide without any definite reason such as piling up so many medicines, sleeping pills, rope, sharp objects, gun, insect poison or pesticides etc.
  • Expressing helplessness, hopelessness, and worthlessness during usual conversations.
  • Expressing death wishes in overwhelming situations.
  • Making a will and discussing financial investments with family members without being the need for it.
  • Social withdrawal, being in isolation, crying spells, and decreased functioning in day today life.

Being vigilant about the mentioned signs and symptoms can surely help someone in need and prevent the condition. Along with the warning signs, awareness about the factors linked with suicide is also helpful. Following are some of the risk factors that may provoke someone to resort to suicide as a last mean:

  • Attempt of suicide in past.
  • History of suicide in the family.
  • Suicidal thoughts (It is even more dangerous if the person has an easy access to self harming objects).
  • Clinical conditions leading to extremely sad, overwhelming and impulsive reactions.
  • Excessive alcohol abuse or use of other substances, increased impulsivity and agitation.
  • Inability to deal with traumatic life events like financial breakdown, loss of a loved one, relationship break-up, sexual abuse, natural disaster, etc.
  • Dysfunctional family atmosphere (violence, physical and mental abuse).
  • Lack of social support.

The information mentioned above is only a glimpse of the said condition and does not claim to be accurate in every case. There are many other factors that contribute to a situation leading to suicidal attempt and can be understood closely only in a one to one interaction. As a preventive mean any person displaying the signs and symptoms of suicide or having death wishes should be extended emotional support as a first aid by the person who identifies it, and further referred to a mental health professional for a thorough investigation and intervention. Willingness to extend support is the first step towards prevention of this condition; however, one should be clear about how to proceed further into this. Following are the points that can be kept in mind while offering help to someone in need:

  • Give assurance to the person that you are there to listen without being judgmental about their current scenario.
  • Allow them to ventilate their emotions if they wish and be patient while listening.
  • Help them understand that suicidal feelings are temporary and will pass soon.
  • Try not to give any advice yourself, rather tell them that help is available and refer to appropriate professional.

This article is a small attempt to make people aware about suicide prevention. The word prevention advocates that there is help available and many people with suicidal tendencies have been saved with immediate professional help and effective intervention modalities. Be aware to make others aware. On this Suicide Prevention Day spread awareness about this condition and contribute to the cause of mental health and wellness.

If you have any query related to this article or any other mental health issue, feel free to contact over email info@talktocure.com. To read more informative articles about mental health and wellness visit www.talktocure.com.


Neelam Verma

Clinical Psychologist

Talk to Cure



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